Active: 1999-2011
Genre: Eroguro Kei
Real name: Hiroshi Yoshida
Birthday: 02.03.1977
Birthplace: Yamagata, Yamagata
Siblings: older brother
Height: 169cm/5ft7"
Bloodtype: B
Cigarettes?: No, he quit.
Real name: Yoshitaka Matsumura
Birthday: 07.12.1982
Birthplace: Yokohama, Kanagawa
Siblings: younger brother
Height: 185cm/6ft
Bloodtype: 0
Cigarettes?: Yes.
Real name: Michio Shimizu
Birthday: 31.07.1980
Birthplace: Kumagaya, Saitama
Siblings: younger brother&sister
Height: 170cm/5ft7"
Bloodtype: 0
Cigarettes?: Yes.
Real name: Kenji Oota
Birthday: 06.03.1977
Birthplace: Hebei, Yamagata
Siblings: older brother
Height: 171cm/5ft7"
Bloodtype: B
Cigarettes?: Yes.
Favourite Song: "Squall"
Favourite Lyric: "Infection"
Favourite Member: Karyu
First Song You Ever Heard: "Brilliant"
When You Became A Fan: July 2008
Seen Live: Yes, twice. In Gdynia (2009) and Warsaw (2010).
Ps. They haven't official colours, but that post is boring without colours.
Ps. They haven't official colours, but that post is boring without colours.
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